Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Setting Goals....

Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals. (Aristotle)

The most unfortunate aspect about living a successful life is 'living life without goals’. I feel that the most important step in being successful is setting a specific goal,be it short term or long term. One of the most essential things we need to do for our self is to choose a goal that is important to us, always considering them as believable or achievable. Defining goals is the next important step to move towards it. Our goals can only be reached through formulating a plan and vigorously acting on them. This enables us to keep our mind focused on our goal and prepare us for the many obstacles that will arise when we're striving to do our best. We can always do better...We can always grow and learn from our experiences because nobody is perfect. With the right mental attitude nothing can stop us from achieving our goals. While working for that goal we'll automatically develop everything we need to reach it. Once we have set all of this ......Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for any obstacles we will definitely achieve our destination. But always remember to make sure that all our goals must be based on positive thoughts, behaviour and actions if not all is in vain!!!!

Our goals determine what type of a person we are going to be !!!!


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

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    Allah bless you

  2. Hi!!! just passed thru your blog,i found it very interesting and thought provoking:very differnt from the rest.Cheers

  3. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Gute Artikel sehr gut geschrieben, gute Art und Weise zu motivieren!

  4. Dear anonymous...i would appreciate it if you pass on the link of my blog to your friends ...Many thanks for your words of appreciation..take care ..
